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Zero Trust architectures: An AWS perspective


Our mission at Amazon Web Services (AWS) is to innovate on behalf of our customers so they have less and less work to do when building, deploying, and rapidly iterating on secure systems. From a security perspective, our customers seek answers to the ongoing question What are the optimal patterns to ensure the right level of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of my systems and data while increasing speed and agility? Increasingly, customers are asking specifically about how security architectural patterns that fall under the banner of Zero Trust architecture or Zero Trust networking might help answer this question.

Given the surge in interest in technology that uses the Zero Trust label, as well as the variety of concepts and models that come under the Zero Trust umbrella, we’d like to provide our perspective. We’ll share our definition and guiding principles for Zero Trust, and then explore the larger subdomains that have emerged under that banner. We’ll also talk about how AWS has woven these principles into the fabric of the AWS cloud since its earliest days, as well as into many recent developments. Finally, we’ll review how AWS can help you on your own Zero Trust journey, focusing on the underlying security objectives that matter most to our customers. Technological approaches rise and fall, but underlying security objectives tend to be relatively stable over time. (A good summary of some of those can be found in the Design Principles of the AWS Well-Architected Framework.)

Definition and guiding principles for Zero Trust

Let’s start out with a general definition. Zero Trust is a conceptual model and an associated set of mechanisms that focus on providing security controls around digital assets that do not solely or fundamentally depend on traditional network controls or network perimeters. The zero in Zero Trust fundamentally refers to diminishing—possibly to zero!—the trust historically created by an actor’s location within a traditional network, whether we think of the actor as a person or a software component. In a Zero Trust world, network-centric trust models are augmented or replaced by other techniques—which we can describe generally as identity-centric controls—to provide equal or better security mechanisms than we had in place previously. Better security mechanisms should be understood broadly to include attributes such as greater usability and flexibility, even if the overall security posture remains the same. Let’s consider more details and possible approaches along the two dimensions.

One dimension is the network. Do we achieve Zero Trust by allowing all network packets to flow between all hosts or endpoints, but implement all security controls above the network layer? Or do we break our systems down into smaller logical components and implement much tighter network segments or packet-level controls—so-called micro-segments or micro-perimeters? Do we add some kind of gateway or proxy technology that enforces a new kind of trust boundary? Do we still use VPN technology for network isolation but make it more dynamic and hidden from the user experience, so that users don’t even notice that network boundaries are being created and torn down as needed? Or some combination of these techniques?

The other dimension is identity and access management. Are we talking about human actors with their PCs, tablets, and phones trying to access web applications? Or are we talking about machine-to-machine, software-to-software communication, where all requests are authenticated and authorized using other kinds of techniques? Or perhaps we’re thinking of some combination of the two. For example, certain security-relevant properties or attributes of the user’s situation—strength of authentication, device type, ownership, posture assessment, health, network location, and others—are propagated to and through the software systems with which the user is interacting, and alter their access dynamically.

Thus, as we start to look more closely at Zero Trust, we can immediately see the possibility of confusion—because many different topics and concepts are implicated—but also a clear indication of opportunities to build better, more flexible, and more secure software systems. What are some of the principles that can help guide us through both the confusion and the opportunities?

Our first guiding principle for Zero Trust is that while the conceptual model decreases reliance on network location, the role of network controls and perimeters remains important to the overall security architecture. In other words, the best security doesn’t come from making a binary choice between identity-centric and network-centric tools, but rather by using both effectively in combination with each other. Identity-centric controls, such as the AWS SigV4 request signing process, which is used to interact with AWS API endpoints, uniquely authenticate and authorize each and every signed API request, and provide very fine-grained access controls. However, network-centric tools such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), security groups, AWS PrivateLink, and VPC endpoints are straightforward to understand and use, filter unnecessary noise out of the system, and provide excellent guardrails within which identity-centric controls can operate. Ideally, these two kinds of controls should not only coexist, they should be aware of and augment one another. For example, VPC endpoints provide the ability to attach a policy that allows you to write and enforce identity-centric rules at a logical network boundary—in that case, the private network exit from your Amazon VPC on the way to a nearby AWS service endpoint.

Our second guiding principle for Zero Trust is that it can mean different things in different contexts. Arguably one of the key reasons for the ambiguity surrounding Zero Trust is that the term encompasses many different use cases which share only the fundamental technical concept of diminishing the security relevance of a network location or boundary. Yet those use cases differ substantially in what they’re trying to achieve for the organization. As we noted above, common examples of Zero Trust goals range from ensuring workforce agility and mobility—using browsers and mobile apps and the internet to access business systems and applications—to the creation of carefully segmented micro-service architectures inside of new cloud-based applications. By focusing on a specific problem that we’re trying to solve, and approaching it with fresh eyes and new tools, we can avoid getting mired in low-value discussions around whether a new approach to a security challenge is really—or to what degree it is—an application of the Zero Trust concept.

Our third guiding principle is that Zero Trust concepts must be applied in accordance with the organizational value of the system and data being protected. Over time, the application of the Zero Trust conceptual model and associated mechanisms will continue to improve defense in depth, and continue to make security controls we already have work better through the increased visibility and software-defined nature of the cloud. Applied well, the tenets of Zero Trust can significantly raise the security bar, especially for critical workloads. However, if applied in strict orthodoxy, Zero Trust methods can limit the incorporation of more traditional technologies into upgraded or new systems, and stifle innovation by overly taxing organizations where the benefits aren’t commensurate with the effort. For many business systems, network controls and network perimeters will continue to be important and usually adequate controls for a long time, perhaps forever. We believe it’s best to think of Zero Trust concepts as additive to existing security controls and concepts, rather than as replacements.

Examples of Zero Trust principles and capabilities at work today within the AWS cloud

The most prominent example of Zero Trust in AWS is how millions of customers typically interact with AWS every day using the AWS Management Console or securely calling AWS APIs over a diverse set of public and private networks. Whether called via the console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or software written to the AWS APIs, ultimately all of these methods of interaction reach a set of web services with endpoints that are reachable from the internet. There is absolutely nothing about the security of the AWS API infrastructure that depends on network reachability. Each one of these signed API requests is authenticated and authorized every single time at rates of millions upon millions of requests per second globally. Our customers do so confidently; knowing that the cryptographic strength of the underlying Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol—augmented by the AWS Signature v4 signing process—properly secures these requests without any regard to the trustworthiness of the underlying network. Interestingly, the use of cloud-based APIs is rarely—if ever—mentioned in Zero Trust discussions. Perhaps this is because AWS led the way with this approach to securing APIs from the start, such that it is now assumed to be a basic part of every cloud security story.

Similarly, but perhaps not as well understood, when individual AWS services need to call each other to operate and deliver their service capabilities, they rely on the same mechanisms that you use as a customer. You can see this in action in the form of service-linked roles. For example, when AWS Auto Scaling determines that it needs to call the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) API to create or terminate an EC2 instance in your account, the AWS Auto Scaling service assumes the service-linked role you’ve provided in your account, receives the resulting AWS short-term credentials, and uses these credentials to sign requests using the SigV4 process to the appropriate EC2 APIs. On the receiving end, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) authenticates and authorizes the incoming calls for EC2. In other words, even though they’re both AWS services, AWS Auto Scaling and EC2 have no inherent trust, network or otherwise, of one another and use strong identity-centric controls as the basis of the security model between the two services as they operate on your behalf. You, the customer, have full visibility into both the privileges that you’re granting to one service, as well as an AWS CloudTrail record of the use of those privileges.

Other great examples of Zero Trust capabilities in the AWS portfolio can be found in the IoT Service. When we launched AWS IoT Core we made a strategic decision—against the prevailing industry norms at the time—to always require TLS network encryption and modern client authentication, including certificate-based mutual TLS, when connecting IoT devices to service endpoints. We subsequently added TLS support to FreeRTOS, enabling modern, secure communication to an entire class of small CPU and small memory devices that were previously assumed to not be capable of it. With AWS IoT Greengrass, we pioneered a way of working with existing no-security devices using a remote gateway that relied on local network presence but also was able to run AWS Lambda functions to validate security and provide a secure proxy to the cloud. These examples highlight where adherence to AWS security standards brought key foundational components of Zero Trust to a technology domain where vast amounts of unauthenticated, unencrypted network messaging over the open internet was previously the norm.

How AWS can help you on your Zero Trust journey

To help you on your own Zero Trust journey, there are a number of AWS cloud-specific identity and networking capabilities that provide core Zero Trust building blocks as standard features. AWS services provide this functionality via simple API calls, without you needing to build, maintain, or operate any infrastructure or additional software components. To help best frame the conversation, we’ll consider these capabilities against the backdrop of three distinct use cases:

  1. Authorizing specific flows between components to eliminate unneeded lateral network mobility.
  2. Enabling friction-free access to internal applications for your workforce.
  3. Securing digital transformation projects such as IoT.

Our first use case focuses mainly on machine-to-machine communications—authorizing specific flows between components to help eliminate lateral network mobility risk. Otherwise put, if two components don’t need to talk to one another across the network, they shouldn’t be able to, even if these systems happen to exist within the same network or network segment. This greatly reduces the overall surface area of the connected systems and eliminates unneeded pathways, particularly those that lead to sensitive data. Within this use case, our discussion should begin with security groups, which have been a part of Amazon EC2 since its earliest days. Security groups provide highly dynamic, software-defined network micro-perimeters for both north-south and east-west traffic. Security group assignments occur automatically as resources come and go, and rules in one security group can reference one another by ID, either within the same Amazon VPC or across larger peered networks in the same or different regions. These properties allow security groups to act as a kind of identity system in which group membership becomes a relevant property for determining whether or not to permit particular network flows. This helps enable you to author extremely granular rules without the associated operational burden of keeping them up-to-date as membership in a group ebbs and flows. Similarly, PrivateLink provides an extremely useful building block in the general space of micro-perimeters and micro-segmentation. Using PrivateLink, a load-balanced endpoint can be exposed as a narrow, one-way gateway between two VPCs, with tight identity-based controls determining who can access the gateway and where incoming packets can land. Initiating network connections in the other direction isn’t allowed at all, and the VPCs don’t even need to have routes between one another. Thousands of customers use PrivateLink today as a fundamental building block of a secure micro-services architecture, as well as secure and private access to PaaS and SaaS services from their suppliers.

Going back to our discussion about AWS APIs, the AWS SigV4 signature process for authenticating and authorizing API requests is no longer just for AWS services. You can achieve the same kind of hardened interface approach using the Amazon API Gateway service, which allows software interfaces to be securely available on the open internet. API Gateway provides distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection, rate limiting, and AWS IAM support as one of several authorization options. When you choose AWS IAM authorization, you author standard IAM policies that define who can call your API and where they can call it from, using the full expressiveness of the IAM policy language. Callers sign their requests using their AWS credentials, typically delivered in the form of IAM roles attached to compute resources, and IAM uniquely authenticates and authorizes every single call to your API according to those policies. With one step, your API is protected behind the massively scaled, super performant, globally available IAM service that protects AWS APIs—with nothing for you to manage or maintain. Calls from the API Gateway front-end to your back-end implementation are secured by mutual TLS, so you’re assured that only API Gateway is able to invoke the back-end implementation. With this strong identity-centric control in place, you have two choices. You can safely place your back-end implementation on the public network, or add the VPC integration model such that the API Gateway call to your back-end implementation running inside of your VPC is protected by an identity-centric control (mutual TLS) and a network-centric control (private connectivity from API Gateway to your code). The security achieved by these feature combinations, arguably only possible in the cloud, makes discussions of east-west concerns seem underwhelming and rooted in constraints of the past.

Our second use case, enabling friction-free access to internal applications for your workforce, is all about improving workforce mobility without compromising security. Traditionally these applications have existed behind a strong VPN front door. However, VPNs can be expensive to scale and aren’t necessarily compatible with the full array of mobile devices that the modern workforce demands. The objective in this case is to make the locks on the individual applications so good that you can eliminate the VPN-based front door. To achieve this, our customers have told us that they want a range of technical solutions to choose from according to their industry, risk tolerance, developer maturity, and other factors. At one end of the spectrum, we have many customers who prefer to use desktop as a serviceAmazon Workspaces—or application as a serviceAmazon AppStream 2.0—models to provide a powerful and flexible pixel proxy approach to Zero Trust. Traditional security controls are applied to those intermediary virtual devices, and then any user with a PC, tablet, or HTML5 client can reach those virtualized desktops or applications over the internet—or behind additional network controls and perimeters, if they so desire—to provide a rich, desktop-like experience without having to worry about the security of the final device in the hands of the user. Similarly, customers have asked for a better way to access their enterprise applications securely from mobile phones without deploying mobile device management or other such often cumbersome and expensive technologies. To meet that requirement, we launched Amazon WorkLink, providing a secure proxy service that renders complex web applications in the AWS cloud. Amazon WorkLink streams only pixels—and a very minimal amount of JavaScript for interactivity—to mobile phones. No sensitive enterprise data is ever stored or cached on the mobile device.

At the other end of the spectrum, we have customers who want to connect their internal web applications directly to the internet. For these customers, the combination of AWS Shield, AWS WAF, and Application Load Balancer with OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication provides a fully managed identity-aware network protection stack. Shield provides managed DDoS protection services that provide always-on detection and automatic inline mitigations that minimize application downtime and latency. AWS WAF is a web application firewall that lets you monitor and protect web requests before they reach your infrastructure using your desired combination of rule groups provided by AWS, the AWS Marketplace, or your own custom ones. By enabling authentication in Application Load Balancer—beyond the normal load balancing capabilities—you can directly integrate with your existing identity provider (IdP) to offload the work of authenticating users, and to leverage the existing capabilities within your IdP—such as strong authentication, device posture assessment, conditional access, and policy enforcement. Using this combination, your internal custom applications quickly become just as flexible as SaaS applications, allowing your workforce to enjoy the same work-anywhere flexibility as SaaS while unifying your application portfolio under a common security model powered by modern identity standards.

Our third use case—securing digital transformation projects such as IoT—is markedly different from the first two. Consider a connected vehicle, relaying a critical stream of instrumentation over mobile networks and the internet into a cloud based analytics environment for processing and insights. These workloads have always existed entirely outside the traditional enterprise network, and require a security model that accounts for that situation. The family of AWS IoT services provides scalable solutions for issuing unique device identities to every device in your fleet, and then using those identities and their associated access control policies to securely control how they communicate and interact with the cloud. The security of these devices can be easily monitored and maintained with AWS IoT Device Defender, over-the-air software updates, and even entire operating system upgrades—now built in to FreeRTOS—to keep devices safe and secure over time. Moving forward, as more and more IT workloads move closer to the edge to minimize latency and improve user experiences, the prevalence of this use case will continue to expand, even if it isn’t applicable to your business today.

It’s still Day 1

We hope this post has helped communicate our vision for Zero Trust, and highlighted how we believe that our underlying security principles and advancing capabilities represent a bar-raising security model both for the AWS cloud and for the environments that our customers build on top of our services.

At Amazon we obsess over customers and their needs, so our job is never done. We have lots more capabilities we want to build, and lots more guidance still to offer. We look forward to your feedback and to continuing the journey together—reflecting the words and core vision of our founder, Jeff Bezos: “It’s still Day 1.”

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in the Comments section below.

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Mark Ryland

Mark is the director of the Office of the CISO for AWS. He has over 29 years of experience in the technology industry and has served in leadership roles in cybersecurity, software engineering, distributed systems, technology standardization and public policy. Previously, he served as the Director of Solution Architecture and Professional Services for the AWS World Public Sector team.


Quint Van Deman

Quint is a Principal Specialist for AWS Identity. In this role, he leads the go-to-market creation and execution for AWS Identity services, field enablement, and strategic customer advisement, and is a company wide subject matter expert on identity, access management, and federation. Before joining the Specialist team, Quint was an early member of the AWS Professional Services team, where he led AWS teams directing several of AWS’ most prominent enterprise customers along their journey to the cloud. Prior to joining AWS, Quint held enterprise architect style roles within a number of mid size organizations and consulting firms, mostly specializing in large scale open source infrastructure.

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1561 days ago
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BPF: A New Type of Software

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At Netflix we have 15 BPF programs running on cloud servers by default; Facebook has 40. These programs are not processes or kernel modules, and don't appear in traditional observability tools. They are a new type of software, and make a fundamental change to a 50-year old kernel model by introducing a new interface for applications to make kernel requests, alongside syscalls. BPF originally stood for Berkeley Packet Filter, but has been extended in Linux to become a generic kernel execution engine, capable of running a new type of user-defined and kernel-mode applications. This is what BPF is really about, and I described this for the first time in my [Ubuntu Masters] keynote. The video is on [youtube]:
And the slides are on [slideshare]:
My [BPF Performance Tools] book was just released as an eBook, and covers just one use case of BPF: observability. I'm also speaking about this topic at [re:Invent] this week as well (see you there). BPF is the biggest operating systems change I've seen in my career, and it's thrilling to be a part of it. Thanks to Canonical for inviting me to speak about it at the first Ubuntu Masters event. [youtube]: [slideshare]: [Ubuntu Masters]: [BPF Performance Tools]: [re:Invent]:
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1911 days ago
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AWS Nitro System

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At Tuesday Night Live with James Hamilton at the 2016 AWS re:Invent conference, I introduced the first Amazon Web Services custom silicon. The ASIC I showed formed the foundational core of our second generation custom network interface controllers and, even back in 2016, there was at least one of these ASICs going into every new server in the AWS fleet. This work has continued for many years now and this part and subsequent generations form the hardware basis of the AWS Nitro System.  The Nitro system is used to deliver these features for AWS Elastic Compute Cluster (EC2) instance types:

  1. High speed networking with hardware offload
  2. High speed EBS storage with hardware offload
  3. NVMe local storage
  4. Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) for MPI and Libfabric
  5. Hardware protection/firmware verification for bare metal instances
  6. All business logic needed to control EC2 instances

We continue to consume millions of the Nitro ASICs every year so, even though it’s only used by AWS, it’s actually a fairly high volume server component. This and follow-on technology has been supporting much of the innovation going on in EC2 but haven’t had a chance to get into much detail on how Nitro actually works.

At re:Invent 2018 Anthony Liguori, one of the lead engineers on the AWS Nitro System project gave what was, at least for me, one of the best talks at re:Invent outside of the keynotes. It’s worth watching the video (URL below) but I’ll cover some of what Anthony went through in his talk here.

The Nitro System powers all EC2 Instance types over the last couple of years.  There are three major components:

  1. Nitro Card I/O Acceleration
  2. Nitro Security Chip
  3. Nitro Hypervisor

Different EC2 server instance types include different Nitro System features and some server types have many Nitro System cards that implement the five main features of the AWS Nitro System:

  1. Nitro Card for VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)
  2. Nitro Card for EBS (Elastic Block Store)
  3. Nitro Card for Instance Storage
  4. Nitro Card Controller
  5. Nitro Security Chip

These features formed the backbone for Anthony Liguori’s 2018 re:Invent talk and he went through some of the characteristics of each.

Nitro Card for VPC

The Nitro card for VPC is essentially a PCIe attached Network Interface Card (NIC) often called a network adapter or, in some parts of the industry, a network controller. This is the card that implements the hardware interface between EC2 servers and the network connection or connections implemented on that server type. And, like all NICs, interfacing with it requires that there be a specific device driver loaded to support communicating with the network adapter.  In the case of AWS NICs, the Elastic Network Adapter (ENA) is the device driver support for our NICs. This driver is now included in all major operating systems and distributions.

The Nitro Card for VPC supports network packet encapsulation/decapsulation, implements EC2 security groups, enforces limits, and is responsible for routing.  Having these features implemented off of the server hardware rather than in the hypervisor allows customers to fully use the underlying server hardware without impacting network performance, impacting other users, and we don’t have to have some server cores unavailable to customers to handle networking tasks. And, it also allows secure networking support without requiring server resources to be reserved for AWS use. The largest instance types get access to all server cores.

It wasn’t covered in the talk but the Nitro Card for VPC also supports Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) networking. The Elastic Fabric Adapter (EFA) supports both the OpenFabrics Alliance Libfabric API or the popular Message Passing Interface (MPI). These APIs both provide network access with operating system bypass when used with EFA. MPI is in common use in high performance computing applications and, to a lesser extent, in latency sensitive data intensive applications and some distributed databases.

Nitro Card for EBS

The Nitro Card for EBS supports storage acceleration for EBS.  All instance local storage is implemented as NVMe devices and the Nitro Card for EBS supports transparent encryption, limits to protect the performance characteristics of the system for other users, drive monitoring to monitor SSD wear, and it also supports bare metal instance types.

Remote storage is again implemented as NVMe devices but this time as NVMe over Fabrics supporting access to EBS volumes again with encryption and again without impacting other EC2 users and with security even in a bare metal environment.

The Nitro card for EBS was first launched in the EC2 C4 instance family.

Nitro Card for Instance Storage

The Nitro Card for Instance storage also implements NVMe (Non-Volatile Memory for PCIe) for local EC2 instance storage.

Nitro Card Controller

The Nitro Card Controller coordinates all other Nitro cards, the server hypervisor, and the Nitro Security Chip. It implements the hardware root of trust using the Nitro Security Chip and supports instance monitoring functions. It also implements the NVMe controller functionality for one or more Nitro Cards for EBS.

Nitro Security Chip

The Nitro security chip traps all I/O to non-volatile storage including BIOS and all I/O device firmware and any other controller firmware on the server. This is a simple approach to security where the general purpose processor is simply unable to change any firmware or device configuration. Rather than accept the error prone and complex task of ensuring access is approved and correct, no access is allowed. EC2 servers can’t update their firmware. This is GREAT from a security perspective but the obvious question is how is the firmware updated. It’s updated using by AWS and AWS only through the Nitro System.

The Nitro Security Chip also implements the hardware root of trust. This system replaces 10s of millions of lines of code that for the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) and supports secure boot. In starts the server up untrusted, then measures every firmware system on the server to ensure that none have been modified or changed in any unauthorized way.  Each checksum (device measure) is checked against the verified correct checksum stored in the Nitro Security Chip.


The Nitro System supports key network, server, security, firmware patching, and monitoring functions freeing up the entire underlying server for customer use. This allows EC2 instances to have access to all cores – none need to be reserved for storage or network I/O. This both gives more resources over to our largest instance types for customer use – we don’t need to reserve resource for housekeeping, monitoring, security, network I/O, or storage. The Nitro System also makes possible the use of a very simple, light weight hypervisor that is just about always quiescent and it allows us to securely support bare metal instance types.

More data on the AWS Nitro System from Anthony Liguori, one of the lead engineers behind the software systems that make up the AWS Nitro System:

Three Keynotes for a fast past view for what’s new across all of AWS:

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2213 days ago
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1 public comment
2213 days ago
Atlanta, GA

Laptop Issues

5 Comments and 12 Shares
Hang on, we got a call from the feds. They say we can do whatever with him, but the EPA doesn't want that laptop in the ocean. They're sending a team.
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2282 days ago
2281 days ago
Yes. Me. For sure.
2281 days ago
Yes. Me. For sure.
2280 days ago
My wife. She can destabilize any piece of electronics simply by using it long enough.
2282 days ago
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4 public comments
2282 days ago
It me.
2282 days ago
It me.
Saint Paul, MN, USA
2282 days ago
Hang on, we got a call from the feds. They say we can do whatever with him, but the EPA doesn't want that laptop in the ocean. They're sending a team.
2282 days ago
Hang on, we got a call from the feds. They say we can do whatever with him, but the EPA doesn't want that laptop in the ocean. They're sending a team.

Internal Monologues

7 Comments and 13 Shares
Haha, just kidding, everyone's already been hacked. I wonder if today's the day we find out about it.
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2343 days ago
Yeah, thats about right.
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6 public comments
2338 days ago
Real life.
San Luis Obispo, CA
2343 days ago
New York
2343 days ago
The fact that trees are made of air has been bothering me for years now.
Sunnyvale, CA, USA
2341 days ago
it drives me nuts also when people lose fat they do it through breathing
2343 days ago
Medicine is more about looking at people and having your internal dialogue automatically start to list possible disease states.
New York, NY
2343 days ago
Haha, just kidding, everyone's already been hacked. I wonder if today's the day we find out about it.
2343 days ago
Haha, just kidding, everyone's already been hacked. I wonder if today's the day we find out about it.

Not Voting Doubles the Value of Someone Else’s Vote


David Foster Wallace, back in 2000:

If you are bored and disgusted by politics and don’t bother to vote, you are in effect voting for the entrenched Establishments of the two major parties, who please rest assured are not dumb, and who are keenly aware that it is in their interests to keep you disgusted and bored and cynical and to give you every possible psychological reason to stay at home doing one-hitters and watching MTV on primary day. By all means stay home if you want, but don’t bullshit yourself that you’re not voting. In reality, there is no such thing as not voting: you either vote by voting, or you vote by staying home and tacitly doubling the value of some Diehard’s vote.

Jason Kottke:

Please check your registration status and register to vote… it takes two minutes. [Voter registration deadlines][2] are fast approaching in many US states — there are deadlines tomorrow in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas.

Kottke wrote that yesterday, so those registration deadlines are today. I don’t care who you want to vote for, I implore you to register and vote. And if you think you are registered, double-check. It really does just take a minute.


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2342 days ago
2344 days ago
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